Saturday, 21 October 2017

As we once had...

To Understand Above All Things

This truth erupts ceaselessly;
Parts in a sea of flames, as though in persecution.
They suffer with yearning out of control,
a wildfire neglected.
Although seen and known in your heart,
they broil in disdain.

The Youngest branded again by their own delicate trust,
this sear is the most agonising they've known.
And now they seek to understand above all things...
they fear the collapse was at their own hands...
I hold
and love them and their innocence dearly.

Nakedness utterly mislead,
the baring jilted.
These Guardians would draw back
every fleck of expression and gesture.
All the Softness.
Burn every letter.

A smoulder insurmountable
a choking smog
would overwhelm
and paralyse.

At last you would speak
you would bare now
as they held you.

As we once had.

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